Services for Schools
We provide a range of universal, targeted and specialist services that are available to primary and secondary schools across West Yorkshire and the surrounding areas.
An initial planning meeting will take place with the SENCO/Senior Leadership Team. Requirements will be discussed and a bespoke package will be developed to ensure that the service meets the needs of individual children/young people, the staff and the whole school setting. We work collaboratively and at a strategic level to ensure that the speech and language therapy provision is embedded across the school.
An agreed number of sessions will be provided based on the needs of the setting. Each session consists of 3 hours. A service level agreement will be provided.
Services include:
A range of training sessions can be provided. Please see the “Training” section for further information
The environment
Developing a communication friendly environment
Screening assessment (to support school to identify children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)
Specialist assessment and detailed report (using formal, standardised assessment as required)
o 1:1 intervention with a child
o Group intervention
o Training support staff to carry out 1:1 intervention with a specific child
o Training support staff to run and track progress of children in intervention groups
Modelling of strategies to be used within the classroom
Drop-in sessions for staff to discuss individual children
Parent drop-in sessions
Training sessions for parents
Feedback to parents of children with SLCN
Written reports
Assessment/evidence for EHCP requests
Target setting and review
Attendance at meetings
Onward referral to relevant agencies